
End of the Year Home Maintenance Checklist

There’s no doubt that 2020 has been a whirlwind of a year. With everything that has happened, it is easy to get stuck in the past. But, have you thought about life moving forward? If not, a key area you should consider devoting some of your resources to is the outdoor maintenance of your home.

Perhaps this year more than ever before, your home has become your haven and has allowed you to escape the chaos and uncertainty during these trying times. Because of this, your home may be ready for some much needed upkeep to prepare for the upcoming chilly weather conditions. Instead of letting your home’s infrastructure fall to the wayside, take a proactive approach by addressing any issues head on.

For more information on creating your home improvement plan, read on for some important tips about the most important end of the year maintenance projects!


Step 1: Evaluate Your Home’s Exterior

The easiest way to determine whether or not your home needs repairs is by observing the exterior for any imperfections or blemishes. Some key components to pay particular attention to before winter begins are the siding, windows, gutters, roof and chimneys.

Your siding, whether it be made of brick, vinyl or any other material, should be free of damage and cracks to ensure that moisture does not collect where it shouldn’t be. Any loose brickwork must be remedied at some point otherwise heat will escape from your home’s interior which will cost you in the long run when it comes to utility bills.

Assess all of your windows to make sure they are functioning properly. They also need to be free of fractures, either in the frame or the actual pane itself. If you notice broken glass, contact a local window professional so you can remedy the situation quickly. Broken windows also allow air to escape your home and can cause long term security problems if not handled properly.

Gutters should be free from ruptures or holes as well. They must also be cleaned prior to winter so any blockages can be removed before water begins freezing. If you don’t, the frozen ice would expand your gutters out of their capacity and cause further damage.

Finally, inspect your home’s roof and chimney. If there are serious structural issues that are apparent to the naked eye, it’s definitely worth having a professional visit to take a closer look. Tell tale signs of wear and tear are shingles on the ground or water leaks in your home. You can check out the interior of your attic to see water stains chimney cracks.


Step 2: Make A Budget

Sometimes, our eyes may be bigger than our budget. That’s why it’s essential to make a plan before costs start spiraling out of control. After evaluating your home’s exterior, you should have a pretty good idea of what needs to be repaired. If there are any serious problems that need to be handled immediately to guarantee your home’s comfort and stability during winter, allocate funds to those needs first and foremost.

Depending on how much you have saved up, you may be able to indulge in other projects that will help you take full advantage of outdoor living, like a sunroom, so you can still enjoy all that fall has to offer. Trying out some low cost decor instead of spending an arm and a leg on a full renovation will enable you to allot the bulk of your budget on home maintenance. Decorate your home with ambient lighting both indoors and outdoors, spread blankets or pillows throughout your space or even install solutions like a fire pit or patio heater. These small additions will make your home feel brand new while still allowing you to fix any much needed repairs.


Step 3: Choose Your Projects Wisely

While this step is most closely associated with the actual needs of your home, you should keep in mind the return on investment of the projects you finish as well. This also can be a good moment to learn the worth of your home in its current condition. That way, when your renovations are completed, you can estimate just how much more money you could make during a potential sale.


It can be difficult to pinpoint your home’s specific needs versus your additional desires. While it may seem more appealing to renovate your kitchen, it could also be much more necessary to fix your leaky roof. Homeownership requires you to contemplate many tradeoffs and in the long run, especially if you hope to sell one day, you can save more cash and have less headaches by maintaining your home after each and every season passes.