
Why Should I Get Roll Down Shutters?

Every Florida homeowner has a different way of how they think they should protect their home during a storm. Some may choose to use plywood and other may actually use quality protection like roll down shutters. Let’s say your home has 12 windows, you would need 12 pieces of plywood to cover those areas… not only would you spend a lot of on the cost of wood right now, but you also will have to spend valuable time installing them. Once the storm is passed, you must then take them back down. This can be extremely time consuming for most. In addition you must store these panels for future seasons IF they survived the storm.

When using roll down shutters instead, you can be all protected in a matter of minutes. There is nothing to store or install on your part – That is what White Aluminum is for. When a suspected storm is about to approach, you can just hit a button and the shutters will roll down automatically. They won’t fly or allow air pressure to damage your home. They can even be locked for added security for your home. It’s pretty obvious why hurricane shutters are better at protecting your Florida home than plywood is. Yes, it will cost more initially, but this is an investment that can keep your family secure for many years and storms to come. We do offer non-motorized storm shutters as well, which as still simple to operate and can be lowered in a a few minutes.

Why are roll down hurricane shutters better?

Having the best storm protection is a given in Florida. They meet Florida building codes and are also engineered to withstand the storms that have hit Southwest Florida. They are easy to operate and offer tons of benefits, making them the most practical choice for Florida homeowners.


  • Open and close with a simple touch of a button
  • Keep your family safe during a severe storm
  • Excellent deterrent from burglars by adding this extra layer of security


Our shutters are made from aluminum, right here in Florida. Have any questions or would like a free no obligation estimate? Contact us.