Do you have a vase of fake flowers that’s gathering dust in the garage? Maybe a set of candles that don’t smell as good as they look? With the odd piece of furniture or stray knick-knack, it can be hard to figure out the best course of action—but here’s a list of five things you can try.
Repurpose old glassware. Whether they hold milk, iced tea or a cold coffee drink, glass bottles have an inherent sense of pseudo-elegance to them. They can be painted over and used as unique flower vases, or go untouched and become storage for Q-tips, cotton balls and paper clips. Even spare change looks better when stacked up in a transparent milk bottle. On a similar note, you can remove the wax from old or close-to-done candles to create mini container sets, perfect for the bathroom counter or bedroom nightstands.
Give new life to worn-down wood. A little varnish can restore discolored, peeling pieces of furniture—you can also paint a chipped nightstand a fresh sky blue or red to use as a vintage-style accent piece in any room. For kids, try using a coat of chalkboard paint to repurpose old furniture. This is not only a paint choice that will last them through their grade school years; they will have fun drawing and erasing messages and doodles on a safe, temporary surface. Whatever route you decide to take, just remember: very often, old wooden furniture will look better with a makeover than a brand new piece in its place.
Don your dishes on the wall. Maybe you have wedding china you’ve neglected for more than a few years, or a set of dishes that looked nice in the store but were too tacky on the table. For misfits like these, transitioning from dinner table to decoration is a fun alternative to traditional artwork. Simply hang in your kitchen or attach on a mount, in groups or one by one.
Take the bar stool away from the bar. Bright or novelty bar stools certainly aren’t neutral to every kitchen they’re in. Instead of ditching them altogether, try using them as bedroom nightstands. Even if they have to be done up with a bit of paint or upholstery, they’ll serve you better than they would by staying out in the garage. Next to a bed or dresser, they create a minimalist feel while still maintaining their functionality.
If you must get rid of the dresser… salvage the doorknobs, whatever you do! Often, worn-down dressers or cabinets will have ornate doorknobs that can be used as decorative hooks on the wall ( has a great tutorial on fastening them!). You can place them over a vanity and hang long necklaces, or use them in your kitchen to place aprons or oven mitts while not in use.