
Holiday Travel Tips

It’s the most magical time of year.  Spending time with family and friends is something we look forward to for weeks or even months in advance.  It’s also the busiest time for travel. 


  1. Whether you’re flying or driving, plan ahead by making a list of things to pack. This will help avoid last minute stress and lead to a more enjoyable holiday experience.
  2. Make your list and create a budget. With the cost of food and gas these days, you have to plan to spend wisely. Plan activities and sight-seeing along the way. Creating memorable moments can be more fun and last a lifetime.
  3. COVID lockdowns and restrictions may be over. But it’s still flu season, right? Pack tissues, wipes, masks and hand sanitizer. You’ll be using public bathrooms and visiting restaurants. Keep your hands clean at all times.
  4. Allow for extra travel time. Arrive at the airport early, pay attention to weather conditions and forecasts to anticipate potential delays. If you’re driving long distance, research alternate routes along the way. Stuff happens so it’s best to be prepared to keep moving toward your destination.
  5. Pack as light as you can. Even make a list of toiletries you need to avoid forgetting the essentials. Also anticipate how much luggage you’ll need, include extra space for gifts.
  6. If you’re visiting popular tourist destinations, check ahead to verify hours of operation and any holiday restrictions they may have. Make reservations when you can.
  7. Don’t forget power cords for all your devices!
  8. A few days before you leave, double check any arrangements you’ve made with airlines or accommodations. Put important documents or Passports someplace you won’t forget them.
  9. Start to think about “shutting down” the house. Use a separate list remind yourself to program the thermostat. Contact neighbors or friends who are watching over your home.
  10. Change the oil in your vehicle. Check the air pressure in your tires and gas-up early.


Be prepared, plan ahead and make this the “funnest” trip ever.


Giving Over The Holidays –

With inflation and the cost of living on the rise, our budgets are spread pretty thin. Be sure when you give, your money is going to good use and providing the essentials for people who need it the most. If giving is not in the budget, volunteer to help a local charity in some way. Perhaps your community is taking donations for hurricane victims.