Garlic Lime Chicken Fajitas

It’s time to fire up the grill for Garlic Lime Chicken Fajitas! We’re positive that there is enough flavor to satisfy even the pickiest eaters in your family. And don’t forget to serve the dish with a side of delicious yellow rice, and garnish the plates freshly sliced lime!

Before you begin grilling the chicken, read our blog to learn how to grill the chicken to perfection! What are you families favorite grill recipes? Share them with us on our White Aluminum Facebook page, or in our comments section!



  • Minced Garlic, 1 tsp
  • Minced Onion, 1 tsp
  • Leaves of Oregano, 3/4 tsp
  • Leaves of Cilantro, 1/2 tsp
  • Coarse ground black pepper, 1/2 tsp
  • Lime Juice, 1/4 C
  • Orange Juice, 1/4 C
  • Olive Oil, 2 tbs
  • Salt, 1/2 tsp
  • Green and Red Bell Pepper, 1/2 each (Sliced thinly)
  • Boneless Chicken Breast, 1 1/2 P (Sliced Thinly)
  • Onion, 1 medium sized, (Sliced thinly)
  • 8- 8 Inch Tortillas



  • Combine spices, olive oil, and juices into a small mixing bowl. Set aside 1/4 C of prepared marinade, and put chicken into a large ziplock bag, or glass baking dish. Coat chicken with leftover marinade and place into refrigerator for at least thirty minutes, longer if you desire a stronger flavor. 
  • Pre-heat a large skillet on medium-high heat. Cook chicken three minutes, stiring occasionally until chicken is light brown in color. Remove chicken from the skillet, and mix in the bell peppers, onion, and left over marinade, cook for another five minutes and combine chicken with vegetables. Cook together for two to three minutes, or until you are satisfied with the temperature.
  • Warm tortillas and serve accordingly. You may choose to add shredded cheese, sour cream or other toppinngs.