Fall Maintenance for Your Port Orange Home

Feel a chill in the air? Maybe not just yet—but those fall temperatures we love are just around the corner! This is a great time to take care of small fall maintenance tasks in and around your home. Today, we’re looking at just a few simple projects you can tackle today.

Seal your home’s doors and windows.

Who says it never gets cold here in Florida? While we love the change in temperature, we don’t always want the inside of our homes to be cold as well. For this reason, now is a good time to check your home’s doors and windows for signs of drafts that can let in cold air. Test for these drafts by putting your hand next to the edge of your window or sliding glass door. You can also use a lighter to produce a flame—just be careful not to do this next to curtains and other flammable materials! Next, see if your hand (or the flame) is affected by a potential draft. You may notice your hand get cold if it’s cold outside, or that the flame is “pushed” by the wind if there is a draft. If you do notice a draft, you’ll want to seal the edges of the window/door in question to improve your home’s energy efficiency and keep your living space at a comfortable temperature.

Look above for signs of leaks.

Another key place to look for leaks is your roof or attic. Check that there are no holes or gaps where your home’s warm air may be able to escape.

Clear off signs of summer storms.

Over the summer, heavy thunderstorms (and no shortage of rain) may have left your home with visible mildew on the siding. Use a pressure washer to clear off the exterior of your home and to keep it looking perfect for fall!

Practice fall fire safety.

The beginning of fall also marks the beginning of turkey dinners, indoor and outdoor lights, and other potential fire hazards. Be sure that your home’s fire safety precautions—most importantly a working fire extinguisher and smoke alarms—are in good working order so that you can celebrate the coming season with peace of mind.

Check the efficiency of your HVAC system.

While leaks in your home’s windows, doors, roof or siding are potential spots for energy loss, you will also want to look to your HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning) system to ensure that it’s working the way it is supposed to. Doing so now can prevent you from experiencing too cold nights later on in the season. Most homeowners will probably check their HVAC system with the help of an outside professional who can test the system and recommend fixes, if necessary. Come the cooler months, you’ll be able to control just how cool (or warm) your home gets with better accuracy.

These fall maintenance fixes are pretty simple—and they can save you lots of time and money down the line! Tackle them on an upcoming weekend to get your home ready for the fall season.