Enjoy Fall Weather with a New Florida Screen Room

In Florida, we’re finally starting to feel the cool-down we wait for all year. The temperatures are dropping, the skies are clearer, and we find ourselves wanting to be outside more and more. This season, why not take advantage of the mild weather from your own screen room?

Think of a screen room as an extension of your home—you can eat, lounge, play and entertain in it just as you would in a traditional living room or dining room. The only difference is that you’ll be able to immerse yourself in the pleasant outdoor weather, without having to worry about bugs or outdoor debris while enjoying yourself! A device so Floridian by nature, your new screen room would become a new gathering spot for your family and friends. Think of it as your go-to spot for holiday parties, family dinners and other get-togethers, or just as a place where you can enjoy more casual, day-to-day meals and activities.

If you’re worried about the logistics or hassle of building your own screen room, fear not—it’s typically a simple add-on project to the exterior of your home, over an area to which your patio doors already lead. Our screen rooms are sturdy and built with aluminum framing and mesh fiberglass screens, so it will last plenty of Thanksgivings, holiday parties and kids’ birthdays into the future.

If you’d like to learn more about getting a screen room for your own home, request a quote today!