Being surrounded by bright green plants and fresh air has been shown to keep us calm and relaxed—but if you can’t spend all day outdoors, we have the next best thing: a home design that seamlessly blends nature and the great indoors!
Take a look at today’s blog to learn how to blend the two in your own home.
Green-ify your home’s entries and exits
Stepping into an empty entryway after being out in the lush, green, vibrant outdoors can be disappointing—so why not make your returns home a little more welcoming? Dress up your entry space with a broad-leafed house plant or orchid, which will help make your transition from outdoors to in a more inviting experience.
Bring in beautiful outdoor views
Even while you’re indoors watching TV or working in your home office, you can enjoy the great outdoors via clear, expansive windows. Frame especially stunning views with wide windows that stretch from wall to wall—so even if weather or other obligations keep you inside, you’re never without a stunning (and inspiring) view.
Facilitate indoor-outdoor entertaining
To blend the indoors and outdoors, you can make the border between them a little less divisive—open up your home to the outdoors! Use magnetic mesh in your patio doors to let guests pass in and out of your home, easily and hands-free. This will also let you enjoy the cool, crisp weather without letting in leaves, bugs and debris from outside.
Add no-fuss plants throughout your home
If you feel like you have bad luck with house plants, don’t worry—you can still enjoy fresh, green plants in your home without having to worry about a care and watering schedule! Sturdy options like orchids and succulents will brighten up your space, but don’t require much in the way of special care. In many cases, all you’ll need is sunlight and a special spot to keep your new plant!
We hope that these ideas help you bring out the best in your home and, of course, its lush natural surroundings. Whether you need a big window that lets you take in the view, or an outdoor structure that helps you get back to nature, we’re here to help along the way.