
A Brief Look at Hurricane Season

As custom impact window specialists, we know the importance of preparing your home for hurricane season… and we know firsthand just how hectic that process can be! Today, we’re going to be discussing the ins and outs of hurricane season: what to expect and how to prepare yourself safely and calmly.

A below average season

As you may have already heard from various weather reports (like Colorado State University’s and The Weather Channel’s), the 2015 season is expected to be below average in terms of storm volume. A “typical” season—calculated based on the amount of annual storms since 1950—includes 12 tropical storms, seven of which become full-fledged hurricanes, or storms with winds that clock at or over 74 miles per hour. But this year’s season is expected to have less than the average, as much as about 50 percent less depending on which model you choose to follow.

As Floridians, we may all want to breathe a sigh of relief at hearing this news—and for good reason, of course—but it never hurts to be cautious by taking a couple of preventative measures. Next, we’ll look at the steps you can take now to prepare your home for a potential storm.

Three-step plan

Sometimes it helps to think about hurricane preparedness as a three-step plan—that is, plan, prepare and execute. You should always have a plan as to what you’ll do in the event that a storm does come toward Florida—will you stay here or will you already be well on your way to your summer vacation spot? What steps will you put into action today to make sure your home is ready to face a storm… or at least, able to be readied should one roll along.

Preparing, the next step, is all about carrying out the preventative aspects of your plan—making sure that you’re stocked with nonperishable food and water, as well ensuring that your windows are either impact-proof or able to be secured with shutters easily and quickly. This is also when you might want to trim any heavy branches hanging around your home, to prevent them from becoming dangerous pieces of debris in high winds.

Finally, in the event that a hurricane does come, you’ll have to fulfill step three: execute! This is all about putting up your shutters, stowing away lawn furniture and pool toys, and making sure you’ve definitely got enough food/water/medication to last you at least two weeks… hopefully, we never get this far!

Understanding warnings

Even many native Floridians are a bit shaky when it comes to really understanding the storm warning system used by the National Weather Service. Here are the basic aspects of each type of warning:

Hurricane watch: This doesn’t necessarily mean a hurricane is imminent—but it does mean that areas in the “watch” zone are experiencing conditions favorable to a hurricane.

Hurricane warning: Expect hurricane conditions in your area within 36 hours.

As you may have figured, it’s a safe bet to check your supplies and make sure your safe space is secure and ready to go, even in a hurricane watch.

Hurricane season doesn’t have to be overwhelming! If there is any amount of last-minute house protection we can help you with, please don’t hesitate to call and let us know.