5 Ways to Get Your Grill Ready for Summer

This summer millions of Americans—us among them! –will be firing up their grills for the delicious summer barbecues ahead. If you have plans for outdoor fun and entertaining by the grill this summer, we have five easy ways to ensure that your grill is running at its best.

Keep it covered

One of the most basic ways to keep your grill working and looking its best is to cover it up when not in use. In addition to actually closing the grill top, you can pick up a fabric cover to keep the entire setup safe from the elements. It’s also smart to store your grill under some sort of cover, like a sheltered area of your patio. Whether it’s sunny or rainy, you will be sure that your grill is as protected as possible.

Clean well after each use…

No matter how often you plan to use your grill this summer, regular cleaning after each use is a must! Of course, these don’t have to be deep, thorough cleanings. Simply leave the grill on high heat for about 15 minutes after use, so that any leftover particles are burned up and easier to brush away. When the grill is still warm—but not hot to the touch—you can use your grill brush to get rid of leftover food particles that may be lingering from the day’s dinner. Taking a short amount of time to do this after every use will ensure that your grill is in top shape every time you use it… and, of course, it will decrease the need for more frequent, detailed cleanings later.

…and then once every few months

If you’re using your grill often throughout the year, it’s a good idea to give it a good cleaning every few months or so. This type of cleaning is a little more detailed than your typical post-use job but it’s still very easy. Use water and mild soap to scrub down grates, burner protectors and the interior of your grill to get rid of built-up grime.

Remove parts to ensure a deep clean

As we have just mentioned, cleaning your grates and other grill parts is necessary for a proper clean—but be sure to remove them from the grill, when possible, to get the best results possible.

Don’t forget the exterior

Of course, we can’t forget the exterior of the grill! While your grill’s exterior may not be as important functionally, a clean and shiny outer surface can make your outdoor space look that much better—so spend a few minutes, when needed, scrubbing the surface with your soap-and-water mix for a look that lasts.

We hope that these tips get you started on your first summer barbecue—and, of course, many more to come!