
Keep America Beautiful Month

Did you know that April is Keep America Beautiful Month? In anticipation of this event—which aims to promote the beauty of our homes and communities—we’re looking at a few ways to do your part through in beautifying your natural surroundings.

Plant a tree

Planting a tree is an act that will provide you, your family, the community and future generations with something truly special. A good, sturdy tree can help to purify the air, provide shade for your home and lawn, and offer the peaceful atmosphere that goes hand in hand with nature. Get the family together and plant a tree this spring to contribute to the current (and future) beauty of your community.

Grow the garden you’ve been dreaming of

Have you been dreaming about growing a garden of your own, whether for visual appeal or to produce vegetables for your family? Doing so isn’t just a great move for your family—it can add to the beauty of your surroundings, too. Dress up the front of your home with plants that will add to your home’s curb appeal, or work on a community garden that all members get to benefit from.

Pick up trash

Picking up trash in your community or city can be a great way to beautify your surroundings. Look for volunteer programs that spend time cleaning the community or start small and begin one of your own.

Spuce up the neighborhood

Keeping America beautiful may seem like a large task—but you can get started through seemingly small projects from the comfort of your own community. Look for ways to spruce up your neighborhood, for example, by checking with friends or visiting your community website. You can help to renovate an old playground, work on community landscaping, or do something else that’s close to your heart. You might be surprised to see just how influential these small tasks prove to be!

Paint your home or a community building

A fresh coat of paint can make all the difference. If you know a building that could use a splash of bright color—whether it’s your home, a local charity building, etc.—take the necessary steps to get it done. There are often community coalitions that will spend time finding and painting places in need of a fresh coat or other improvements, so be on the lookout for those, too.


Recycling may not be an instant means of beautifying America—but it’s one of the best places to start! By recycling in your own home or office, you can help contribute to a future that’s a little freer of waste, and that’s a big accomplishment.

We hope that these ideas help you and your family find ways to make (and keep) your surroundings beautiful this spring and throughout the years ahead.